Alpha Camps DAO Q4 Funding Round Upcoming

Alpha Camps DAO, LLC is an “investment club” DAO that raises money each quarter and trades Crypto, NFTS, (soon stocks & real estate) and then distributes profit payouts on a monthly and quarterly basis back to its members. The payout amount depends on each member’s total percentage vested in the DAO. Voting power and passive income also play a role in the ecosystem. To learn more about that, read up on our medium article here.

DAO performance so far:

      • NFT’s: 53 wins, 3 losses (94% win flip rate)
      • 3.16E total in profits (with one month to go).
      • $6,865 USDT in profit via TradeAi pools.
      • Daily passive income from VispX, Xborg/Anarkey plays.

There are currently 50 total members with room for 49 more, capping out at 99 members total.

Important Dates:

  • September 20, 2023: DAO Q3 Meeting
  • September 22, 2023: Trading halts
  • September 22, 2023: Snapshot taken
  • September 23, 2023: Q3 profit payouts (ETH)
  • September 24–30th: Camp DAO NFT mint open / funding round for Q4
  • October 1, 2023: Trading resumes

Camp DAO Mint Details:

  • Mint Date: September 24th (time TBD)
  • Mint Supply Remaining: 199 (of 500)
  • Mint Price: 0.1E

The mint is token gated and you must hold an Alpha Camps Pass in order to mint. One Camp DAO NFT will officially make you a member of Alpha Camps DAO, LLC. As a legal entity based out of Wyoming (USA), you will be required to give a first and last name along with reviewing and signing the operating agreement. Once you mint, you will need to verify-assets in the server to unlock all of the DAO related channels and get your role.

Now that you are officially a member, the next step is to invest in the DAO so you can qualify for all of the monthly and quarterly payouts. The minimum investment is 0.1E and will be sent directly to the DAO wallet. At the end of the funding round, a spreadsheet is provided to all members showing where you stand vs. other members as your total percentage vested and the amount of your scheduled payout (updated in real-time).

The option to burn four Camp DAO NFTS for a Glamping Pass will always be open here.

Changes for current DAO members

The biggest significant difference from Q3 and onward is the token mechanics. Alpha Camps rewarded early investors of the DAO by tying each Camp DAO NFT to 0.1E (or the Glamping Pass at 0.4E) towards the funding round, essentially making the mint free.

After the snapshot on the 22nd is taken and profits are sent out on the 23rd, each members investment will no longer be tied to their NFT(s). It will simply be tied to each individuals wallet.

A Google form will be sent to each member prior to the 23rd where they will be able to indicate whether they want to reinvest their profits, take full profits or anything in between. During the 24th — 30th mint and funding round there’s an opportunity for members to invest more ETH (0.1E minimum) towards the DAO, increasing your total percentage vested.

The sole purpose of obtaining more Camp DAO NFTs after the 23rd would be to:

  1. Eliminate supply, keeping membership low.
  2. Hold more voting power.
  3. Burn for Glamping Passes.

As an existing member, you have the option of minting more at 0.1E. Again, the ETH is not tied to the NFT anymore.

With massive voting decisions in the near future regarding monthly USDT payouts, real estate and stock plays — voting power has never become so important!

Secondary Marketplace

Up until September 22nd, every Camp DAO NFT or Glamping Pass listed on Opeansea (or WETH offers accepted) allows new members/campers to enter the DAO and/or carries 0.1E (or 0.4E) towards your total vested.

Moving on past the funding round — after October 1st, all Camp DAO NFTS or Glamping Passes will not be tied to ETH. They will simply be traded on the secondary marketplace for the purpose of getting into the DAO outside of the funding round, carry more voting power, or accumulating more so you can burn for a Glamping Pass that has a passive income element and carries a hefty 5 votes with each GP you own.

Example 1:
Degen #1 hears about the DAO, buys an Alpha Camps Pass and wants to get in the DAO before the upcoming payouts. They put an offer for 0.15E and a Camper that has only one Camp DAO NFT pass accepts that offer. Degen #1 is now a member of the DAO and is 0.1E invested in the DAO and will qualify for payouts at the end of Q3. The Camper makes .05E in profit from the secondary sale but does not qualify for the quarterly payout and is no longer a member of the DAO. In order to get back into the DAO at a later date, they will either need to buy a Camp DAO NFT OR mint during a funding round for 0.1E AND invest a minimum of 0.1E on top of that.

Example 2:
Lets use the same example above but the Camper holds a Glamping Pass AND a Camp DAO NFT. They accept the offer at 0.15E for their Camp DAO NFT but still hold their Glamping Pass. They still are a member, the only difference is they now have a total of 0.4E vested and hold a voting power of 5 rather than 0.5E vested with voting power of 6.

Example 3:
Degen #2 that is a DAO member decides to accept an offer on their Alpha Camps Pass for 0.25E BUT still holds their three Glamping Passes. The snapshot occurs and they now disqualify from profit payouts and lose access to the token gated discord since they are no longer an Alpha Camps holder.

Example 4:
Degen #3 is a DAO member and holds one Glamping Pass, sees the massive potential the Anarkey will provide and wants to add to their total vested and increase their total voting power. During the funding round, they mint 4 more Camp DAO NFTS for 0.4E and burn them for a Glamping Pass, allotting them 5 more votes and more passive income each quarter. They also fill out the google form before the funding round and send 0.4E more to the DAO wallet increasing their total vested from 0.4E to 0.8E.

Example 5:
Degen #4 is a DAO member with five Glamping Passes for a total of 2ETH vested in the DAO is not interested in voting power or the passive income the Glamping Pass provides. However, they are interested in increasing their total vested. Before the funding round they fill out the google form and invest another 2ETH by sending it to the DAO wallet increasing their total vested to 4ETH. During the funding round, they mint one Camp DAO NFT for 0.1E. October 1st, they list all five of their Glamping Passes for sale on secondary and they quickly get sold. Degen #4 still is a DAO member (from their Camp DAO mint) and is still vested with 4ETH in the DAO AND picked up some bonus ETH from the secondary sales.


The potential power of the Anarkey.

Looking Ahead

The more Campers dive into how it all works, the more they will benefit in the long run. Strategy can become a major role in the secondary markets. As Anarkey profits roll in, xBorg payouts increase, and compounding from the Anarkey-specific pools skyrocket — the ability to control when monthly USDT payouts happen through voting power becomes a major factor. Top that with when the next bull market occurs and ETH profits and Glamping Pass passive income payouts increase along with fractionalized commercial real estate sales— The DAO has massive potential for providing degens in web3 a very stable stream of income on a monthly and quarterly basis.

Reaching 99 members for the DAO is unlikely. Early adopters will be massively rewarded, especially once the Camp DAO NFTs sell out and a supply shock occurs. The Anarkey plays a vital role in it all. Once compounding begins to reach over $100k and income begins to funnel in from all of the streamlines, DAO members will likely have substantial passive income payouts every month and quarter.

Camp has never been so fun!

Buy an Alpha Camps Pass off secondary:

Buy a Camp DAO NFT off secondary:

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